Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Morning Sh*t

Today, I think I need to do something better than yesterday. I am not a good planner; moreover, unfortunately, I am not a good worker to realize all I had planned. This morning, in the middle of a lot of things I have to do today (when I felt trapped to manage them all since I woke up), I got an ideas for my blog. Not for this one, another blog. It’s more serious blog. But in the first 30 minutes, I couldn’t compose all the ideas into sentences and type them down on my notebook. I wrote, I deleted, wrote again, deleted again. It’s just like some small frustration in the morning. It was suck. I hate this.

So, I have more 30 minutes (25 exactly), and I will write something here. It won’t be something important. This is about me. This is about how the bad mood grows while I need some better mood to do these all. It’s unproductive. But, who said about productivity? I am not an industrial agent; I am not a machine in the complex array of tools and devices. It’s just me. I hate to wake up with many things to do. I just want to wake up with wide space of time. But, you’ll tell me that I’m not realistic, wont you?